Super Slow Response Times

Anthony Papillion papillion at
Thu Dec 27 16:43:49 UTC 2007

Hello Everyone,

All of a sudden my system is doing certain things VERY slow. Well, really
two things: initializing my desktop and shutting down. But, let me explain
what I mean. Once my desktop is fully loaded (icons are displayed, wallpaper
loaded, etc) I can't click on anything for about 1 minute. This includes the
menues. Nothing responds. Then, after a minute, it all works fine. Then,
when I go to shut down, I click the icon on the right hand of the bar to
bring up my shutdown box and it doesn't respond for about 2 minutes. Once
again, everything freezes (except my mouse). Then, the box comes up and I
can shutdown normally (though I do notice that whatever was in the bottom
middle of the shutdown box is gone...hibernate maybe?

I've checked the logs and nothing seems to be failing. Can anyone offer

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