bug in ubuntu "kill" hardrive

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Thu Dec 27 06:47:40 UTC 2007

Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> "Dotan Cohen" <dotancohen at gmail.com>  said:
> > The bug is in the default hard drive configuration as set by the
> > manufacturer. The reason that Windows does not hammer the drive is
> > because Windows has yet another bug, which causes the OS to ignore
> > the drive's default configuration settings. So there you have what I
> > like to call an even number of bugs, which 'fix' each other.
> <tin-hat mode>
> Sounds like an under-the-table agreement between M$ and HD manufacturer
> to discredit Linux!
> </tin-hat mode>

Oh, great! I love conspiracy theories (epecially about MS), but this is 
not true. Otherwise there would be the same conspiracy with previous 
Linux distributions. I.e. Ubuntu Dapper doesn't have the bug.


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