Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Wed Dec 26 13:55:57 UTC 2007

Tim M wrote:
> Last night I was told by my know it all brother-in-law that WEP
> security was completely worst less. I am not sure I believe him but he
> might be correct. 

Yes, he is right: <http://www.heise-security.co.uk/news/87889>.

> I am not sure I know how to use WPA and really don't 
> want to mess with it but I also want my two computers and small server
> safe. So can anyone fill me in on the subject and whether I need to
> figure out how to setup WPA on my Netgear router and Dell Inspiron 1200
> laptop?

I don't have any of your equipment, so I'm not sure if WPA / WPA2 is 
supported by your router and your laptop under Linux. But the setup is 
very similar to WEP, except that you select a different encryption. 
Select WPA or WPA2 personal (not enterprise) - maybe it is called WPA or 
WPA2 with preshared key in your router setup.

If you still have trouble to make it work, please tell us the type of your 
WLAN card and the type of your router.


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