how many partitions/os can I put on 1 hdd

Derek Broughton news at
Tue Dec 25 20:01:15 UTC 2007

anthony baldwin wrote:

> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> Nils Kassube wrote:
>>> anthony baldwin wrote:
>>>> Is there a limit to the number of partitions and OSs
>>>> I can put on one hdd (beyond space limitations, of course)?
>>> There are 4 primary partitions. One of them can be an entry for an
>>> extended partition. Linux can handle (I think - but I can't find a
>>> reference) 63 logical partitions within the secondary partition. That
>>> makes 66 partitions overall.
>> hmm.  That's not the way I understand it, but I haven't experimented.  As
>> I understand, a secondary partition may contain up to 15 logical
>> partitions, but Windows (at least prior to XP) couldn't handle more than
>> one secondary partition - so 18 partitions for Windows, but up to 60 for
>> Linux (and yes, scsi or scsi-emulated disks can have fewer).
>> In any case, it shouldn't be hard to do what Tony wants.
> We have successfully done it.
> My daughter has created her own livecd for her 3rd grade science fair.
> How many 8 year olds have done that, eh?

Too cool for words, Tony!  Congratulate her from all of us.

> Here is her page:

LOL.  "I have been using Linux at home since I was a kid..."  I'd suggest
that she's _still_ a kid - except that _I've_ never built a LiveCD!


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