Program to play .3gp video files from Nokia cellphone

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Tue Dec 25 05:48:15 UTC 2007

On 25/12/2007, Mariano Draghi <mdraghi at> wrote:
> El Tue, 25 Dec 2007 02:14:50 +0200, Dotan Cohen escribió:
> > Thank you. Does this handle the audio as well as the video?
> Yes. In fact I found this program a couple of months ago, because I was
> exactly in the same situation: None of the "regular" players in Ubuntu
> repositories can handle the audio (most of them neither can handle the
> video...) of some material recorded with a cellphone.
> Keep in mind that this is NOT a player, though. You can use it to convert
> your files to another format (f.i., to MPEG), and then play them with
> whatever player you like (Totem, Xine, VLC, ...)

Thanks, Mariano. That's just what I needed to know.

Dotan Cohen

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