ubuntu & vmware questions & more ...

winter winter_kf at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 25 02:24:45 UTC 2007

Hi All,
  i'm using ubuntu 7.10 on my toshiba satelite laptop with 1.6G cetrino processor, 1G RAM and 64MB nvidia graphic crd. i used SUSE before this, but after switching frm SUSE to Ubuntu, i encounter multiple problems as below:
  1) after installation of vmware & created a new virtue machine, it refuses to start & show the msg: Unable to change virtual machine power state: The process exited with an error: End of error message. any idea what's wrong? how can i fix it? (btw, the installation went fine).
  2) how do i adjust brightness on my laptop? the glare is killing me! - )
  3)  can i get the file manager (nautilus) to display windows within a single window instead of  1 window for every folder i open?
  4) any gui/ build in control of Grub for Ubuntu (something like what u have in SUSE)?
  5) every time i login with root, the dialog box: you are login with privilage account ....
  prompt out. can any one tell me how to disable it? any file i can edit??
  really like to improve the exprience using Ubuntu .... hope someone can help ....
  will appreatiate any of your reply/ reference .....

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