SOLVED-Re: (Newbie) experience with a quicker internal RAM memory in combination with a slower mainboard?

Bas Roufs basroufs at
Mon Dec 24 18:49:32 UTC 2007

Hello Steve
>> For Kubuntu, .... DDR2-SDRAM, DIMM  240 pins, 533  MHz.  So far, I have
>> found several DDR2-DIMM memory trays of 667 and 800Mhz ...
> Put the faster memory into the machine. It'll underclock itself to
> operate at 533 Mhz. So long as it's DDR2 memory it'll be ok.

Thanks for this clear instruction! Have a beautiful Christmas time!

Respectfully Yours,


Bas G. Roufs M.A.
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
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