
Hal Burgiss hal at
Sat Dec 22 19:18:51 UTC 2007

On Sat, Dec 22, 2007 at 10:53:55AM -0800, Kent Paul Dolan wrote:
> [emails bounced by workplace spam filter]
> > Any idea on where to go from here?

Check your sendmail logs. Any well behaved mailer daemon should give a
reason. That *might* be helpful.
> Sure. Coordinate with your workplace site postmaster
> and find out exactly what is triggering the spam
> filter to reject your emails. The problem needs to
> be solved where it happens, not here. Your "silly
> host name" shouldn't be a problem unless it has
> words in it that themselves are objectionable.
> Naming your computer "sexxxx" is probably a show
> stopper, for example.

And if they have something like a DUL filter in place, and you have a
service provider whose accounts are lumped into a DUL list. Hard to configure
your way around that, short of relaying out via your service provider
or other legit smtp server that you have access to, which probably
would be wise in any case.


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