X restarts

Karl Auer kauer at biplane.com.au
Wed Dec 19 12:51:07 UTC 2007

I start Feisty, get to the greeter screen, put in my name and password.

The startup screen happens, I am prompted for my keyring password and my
ssh passphrase, and the screen behind these two dialogues clears to
green (my background colour). The grey task bars, minus their icons,
appear at top and bottonm of the screen.

If I do nothing more, that is about as far as it gets. Then one of two
things happens. Either it stays that way, unchanging, and neither mouse
input nor keyboard input is recognised (including things like
CTL-ALT-F1). OR it returns to the GDM greeter screen. Note that the
mouse cursor is visible and can be moved.

There is a workaround BTW: If I can hit CTL-ALT-F1 at the right time
(after the passphrase prompt appears but before the thing enters the
locked up state or restarts) I can switch to a console. If I just wait
there a few seconds then switch back with ALT-F7, all is sweet.

I assume one of the many, many updates I applied before rebooting my
computer (I reboot very rarely) is screwing me up, but I can't really
back them all out, that would be a massive undertaking.

So my question: How can I find out what process is killing X?

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at biplane.com.au)                   +61-2-64957160 (h)
http://www.biplane.com.au/~kauer/                  +61-428-957160 (mob)

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