External hard drive for backup.

R Kimber rkimber at ntlworld.com
Sat Dec 15 13:24:58 UTC 2007

On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 01:08:46 +0100
Colin Brace wrote:

> On Dec 14, 2007 11:00 PM, Linda Hanigan <haniganwork at earthlik.net>
> wrote:
> > you might want to turn a fan on it.  
> Or buy one within a fan built in, like the LaCie 500, which has a
> tiny, nearly silent one

Or, indeed, one that automatically spins down like the Seagate external
USB drive. Mine is connected all the time and is silent and quite
cold.  It does take a few seconds to spin up but, for automated backups
when I'm in bed, that's not my problem.

Richard Kimber

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