how to 3D??

Alfred JILKA ubuntu at
Fri Dec 14 21:13:13 UTC 2007

Just to show you, that there might be help, I'll give it a try:

*3d:* if you want to render 3d images, there is POV-ray (persistance of 
vision) For this to program, you don't need C or C++. It has it's own 
macro language, or you can use a free modeler for more complex scenes.

*C/C++:* a compiler for these is usually included with every linux/unix 
system. For linux open a console-window or a terminal and type gcc. If 
you get an answer from the compiler, you can start writing your code. If 
there is an errormessage, install the complete gcc package from synaptic 
or whichever package-manager you use.

Just don't be shy and ask more specific questions, if there are. You 
sure will find someone with more helpful answers.

Regards, Alfred

Paul schrieb:
> On Dec 12, 2007 2:48 AM, 编程汉 <speechtang at 
> <mailto:speechtang at>> wrote:
>     sorry ,my english is so poor
>     I will go on ..
> There's no need to may just have to wait a bit longer to 
> get some assistance.
> Don't let a pithy remark chase you away.

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