Gutsy live CD not booting with GeForce 8800 GT

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at
Fri Dec 14 10:54:19 UTC 2007

pe, 2007-12-14 kello 15:23 +0530, Raseel Bhagat kirjoitti:
> Hi, 
> On Dec 14, 2007 3:03 PM, Ari Torhamo <ari.torhamo at>
> wrote:
>         Hi,
>         I tried to install Ubuntu 7.10 from the 32 bit live CD to a
>         system which
>         includes an Nvidia GeForce 8000 GT graphics card. The boot
>         from the live
>         CD froze in the middle with a black screen. 
> This happens. Try using the "Safe Graphics" mode. And if that doesn't
> work either, you will have to install Ubuntu using the text installed
> via the Alternate CD.

Thanks, I'll download the Alternate CD right away.

>         I remember reading that there should be a feature called
>         'bullet proof
>         X' introduced in Gutsy, which would make graphics problems
>         like this
>         history.
> I remember the feature too. Seemed like a n awesome thing for Linux
> users. Wonder what happened to it. 

It just came to my mind that I've seen it in action once, when I tried
to enable desktop effects in Gutsy while still using a GeForce 8800 GTS
graphics card. The default glx driver from the repositories wouldn't
work and I was thrown out of X, but apparently the bullet proof X jumped
in and popped up a window for graphics settings. There was some
shakiness, like the selected settings not staying on (don't know if it
was a problem with bullet proof X), but it was there :-)

Ari Torhamo

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