
jack jdangler at terremark.org
Fri Dec 14 01:54:52 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-12-13 at 20:34 -0500, Bruce Ferrell wrote:
> jack wrote:
> > So, I got everything set up to rip my first dvd using dvd:rip .
> > I set up the project, picked up all the titles, ripped each one, and
> > then transcoded them.
> >
> > Went into DeVeeDe and made the mpg, and then burned the .iso .
> > I successfully made a copy of a movie I bought about a year ago!
> >
> > Then I put it in my dvd player - no menus, but the music started, so
> I
> > figured I could live without the fancy menus...
> >
> > Except that the whole movie is in French!
> > I know that the original menu gives the option of French, Spanish,
> and
> > English, but English is the default language for the movie.
> >
> > Anyone have any enlightenment as to what I did wrong?
> >
> > When I go into the .vob subdirectories that dvd:rip created, it
> plays in
> > English, so it must have been DeVeeDe, although I can't for the life
> of
> > me figure out how, since I ripped the whole thing in English
> (english
> > audio track selected in dvd:rip).
> >
> > I also looked at the .avi subdirectories in the dvd:rip project
> > directory - same, they play in English.
> >
> > Any help is greatly appreciated.
> I s there a how-to that you followed?  Please share

No. I googled for the basics on how to use the dvd:rip, and then played
with it for about an hour. By that time I had my bearings about how it
worked, so I figured I give it a shot. Up until now I had been doing
this by hand with tcextract, tcscan, tcprobe, mencoder, transode,
dvdauthor - it was very time-consuming, and every file had to be input
by hand, so this was a welcome relief.

I did open the vob directory in vlc player, and it does play on my
laptop in English. However, I noted that by switching audio tracks, that
all the tracks are in the vob. 1 & 2 are english, 3 is spanish, 4 is
french, and 5 is english with commentary. I saved the logs from the
project if that would help, but I'm just a bit confused as to why
DeVeeDe burned the .iso

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