xdvi and xgdvi preview font resolution

Christoph Bier christoph.bier at web.de
Thu Dec 13 08:13:55 UTC 2007

Yuelin Li schrieb am 12.12.2007 19:52:

> I have problems with low-resolution preview fonts in xdvi.
> The problem is, xgdvi shows nice smooth fonts, but xdvi shows
> low-resolution, not so nice fonts.  I use both xgdvi and xdvi to view
> the same .dvi file generated by LaTeX.  I have tetex, texlive, and
> xdvi, xgdvi packages installed.  Is there something I should do (e.g.,
> sudo texconfig) to get smooth fonts in xdvi?

Try the gsAlpha-Option of xdvi or in contrast try the nogrey option
that can also be toggled by pressing "G" in an open xdvi window. If
one of this works you can use ~/.xdvirc for it. For example:

xdvi.gsAlpha:   True


+++ Typografie-Regeln: http://zvisionwelt.de/downloads.html (1.6)

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