ibm-server x335/61x on ubuntu server ?

johanb boeckx.johan at
Tue Dec 11 21:49:42 UTC 2007

Hi Kristian,

There was not a specifi reason I installed kernel 2.4, just an cd i 
found on my work. Tomrrow i try with the netinst of debian, and i also 
downloaded the server version of ubuntu. (7.10). I also have a doubt, is 
the x335 series (61x), 32-bit or 64 bit ?


Kristian Rink wrote:
> Johan;
>> Question concerning x335 ibm serie 61x : I tried to install it today 
>> with a 2.4-kernel with debian : problems to detect the 
>> raid-controller/harddisks and the broadcom ethernet interface, which 
>> made installation impossilbe. 
> I can't speak for the 335 series but we do have a bunch of "smaller" IBM
> xSeries (225) running recent Debian without too much ado, and reading
> your hardware outline (broadcom ethernet) some important points seem to
> be the same. Running kernel 2.6 however; are there reasons for you to
> stay with 2.4? Installation from an oldish Debian boot CD (2.6.8 kernel
> based) worked like a charm even using the internal SCSI-RAID - controller.
> Cheers,
> Kristian

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