Email auditing
charlie derr
cderr at
Tue Dec 11 20:42:27 UTC 2007
Derek Broughton wrote:
> Preston Kutzner wrote:
>> On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 11:33:20 -0400
>> Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:
>>> Felipe Figueiredo wrote:
>>>> Em Monday 10 December 2007 15:06:29 Karl-Heinz Schulz escreveu:
>>>>> I want that all incoming and outgoing email for a particular user is
>>>>> cc: into another mail box.
>>>>> What is the best way to accomplish that?
>>>>> Which tools should I use?
>>>> An MDA (Mail Delivery Agent). The most common are procmail and
>>>> maildrop. There are manu tutorials over the web, and if you install one
>>>> of them, it will come with documentation full of examples of common
>>>> configurations.
>>> With postfix, can't you do that in /etc/aliases?
>> Yes, you can do that through postfix. Here's a run-down on how to do it:
>> add the following to /etc/postfix/
>> sender_bcc_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sender_bcc
>> recipient_bcc_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/recipient_bcc
>> In sender/recipient_bcc:
>> <dest_address> <cc_address>
>> Run postmap on both those files, then run postfix reload
> While that's not particularly difficult, I thought it was possible to
> have /etc/aliases route to an additional user more simply than your method.
> I'm _fairly_ sure (keeping in mind that I don't use Postfix!) that you can
> have an entry like:
> user1: user2, user3 at otherhost
> where all mail to "user1" goes to "user2 at localhost" and "user3 at otherhost",
> what I'm not so sure about is whether there's a syntax to allow mail
> to "user1" to be sent to "user1" and _also_ "user2" - since that runs the
> real risk of a mail loop, perhaps not :-)
I'm not an expert here either (though I do use postfix), but I think the problem with this solution is that it doesn't fulfill the
other requirement of the original post, that mail *sent by* the user gets CCed to the additional mailbox (in addition to the
incoming mail which you've solved with /etc/aliases).
and of course I'm trying to bite my tongue on the issue of notification, as what was originally requested was a CC, and what has
been provided as an answer is actually a BCC, though I figure anyone who cares about my point of view has probably already read my
previous thoughts...
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