Iomega 100 Plus zip drive setup

Carl Spitzer cwsiv at
Mon Dec 10 19:41:50 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2007-12-09 at 16:16 -0700, Bob Collins wrote:
> Hello,
> I recently upgraded to kubuntu 7.10. I was told that my computer 
> overloaded. I found out about (dbkg --configure -a) and recovered from 
> the crash. I have an Iomega 100 Plus zip drive and I thought it would be 
> handy to be able to backup my laptop to it. The setup requires the imm 
> driver to be loaded. I have done a fairly exhaustive search, but cannot 
> find a place to download it from. The mini-howto that comes up in my 
> searchesgives a url to go to, but it is no longer available.
> If anyone could send me the imm driver or give me a location to go to I 
> would appreciate it.

Forget the Parallel version get the USB Zip drive.  I used one in SuSE
and it was automatically found and worked both in konsole and GUI and
that with 9.2.   

BTW what does hwinfo say about the drive? is a good base search.


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