Email auditing
anthony baldwin
anthony.baldwin01 at
Tue Dec 11 16:38:04 UTC 2007
Derek Broughton wrote:
> charlie derr wrote:
>> Karl-Heinz Schulz wrote:
>>> I want that all incoming and outgoing email for a particular user is cc:
>>> into another mail box.
>>> What is the best way to accomplish that?
>>> Which tools should I use?
>> I don't think you should be attempting to solve a social problem with
>> technical means. Which is my way of saying that I can't imagine a
>> scenario where anyone could convince me that this is an ethical route to
>> take.
> Do you honestly think you have enough information to know there's anything
> unethical going on here? I have _exactly_ that situation, where I want
> messages to support at to be sent to myself and my partner.
> There are numerous other cases where it would be both ethical and proper.
> What about a large business where you want a record of every email sent to
> particular addresses. Or a lawyer who needs to ensure he can not
> accidentally delete any email he receives.
> In any case, if the intent is really for a company to copy a user's email -
> without that user's knowledge - the _legal_ issue is that it's probably the
> company's right in most jurisdictions, and the _ethical_ issue is that an
> employee shouldn't be using company email for things that the company
> shouldn't be entitled to copy.
I was surprised to see that, apparently, monitoring a child's e-mail is
considered inappropriate, according to the UN.
How else are we to protect our children from online creEps if we
aren't permitted to monitor their e-mail use?
I don't forward my daughter's messages to me, but, she only
uses the computer in my presence, and I reserve the right to read
over her shoulder. Plus, I know all of her passwords.
She's only eight. She appreciates my attention and desire to
protect her.
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