Character encoding problems with Firefox on 7.04

bill purvis bil at
Tue Dec 11 11:03:59 UTC 2007

On Monday 10 December 2007, Smoot Carl-Mitchell wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-12-10 at 19:56 +0000, bill purvis wrote:
> > (actually all on one line - not that it should matter).
> > However, when I view the page with Firefox, I find that
> > it always switches to UTF-8 which renders my pound characters
> > as this weird splodge. If I click on View->character-encodings
> > it displays a menu and I can select "Western (ISO8859-1)"
> > and then it displays correctly. However, when I move to
> > a different page it always reverts to UTF-8. Why is it
> > ignoring my <meta ...> command? How can I get it to
> > default to ISO-8859-1?
> Your application server may be sending the character encoding as a real
> HTTP header. You can use Firebug to see the headers. Another header tool
> is Live HTTP headers found here:  I
> believe a real content-type header will override the meta header in the
> HTML HEAD section.
I've used wget to download a raw copy of the stuff from the server and
converted the resulting file to hex.
My server (Apache) IS sending the stuff as ISO-8859-1, the problem is that
Firefox refuses to recognise the <meta ...> command. It can render ISO-8859-1
OK, provided I pull down View->CharacterEncoding and select it. I am getting
really mad with my computer at the moment - there seem to be so many things
where it won't do what I tell it. It was never like this when I was coding
in assembler on an 8K word machine! :-)


| Bill Purvis, Amateur Mathematician    |
|  email: bil at                  |
|          |

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