Email auditing

Karl-Heinz Schulz karlheinz at
Mon Dec 10 19:05:26 UTC 2007

There are actually many legitimate and legal reasons for doing it.

-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-users-bounces at
[mailto:ubuntu-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of anthony baldwin
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2007 1:57 PM
To: Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions
Subject: Re: Email auditing

charlie derr wrote:
> Karl-Heinz Schulz wrote:
>> I want that all incoming and outgoing email for a particular user is cc: 
>> into another mail box.
>> What is the best way to accomplish that?
>> Which tools should I use?
> I don't think you should be attempting to solve a social problem with
technical means.   Which is my way of saying that I can't 
> imagine a scenario where anyone could convince me that this is an ethical
route to take.
> 	be well,
> 		~c

I wondered what uses one might put such means to, as well.
Sure, someone could be doing this to monitor someone else's mail, which, 
in most cases
would be considered a violation of that person's privacy (ie. were I to 
monitor my
wife's e-mail in this fashion), but, perhaps, if you are monitoring a 
child's e-mail, it could be
I don't know.  I can't think of why else one would do this, but there 
may be other legitimate
reasons one might, perhaps, as well.


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