I'm Beaten

Willis gods-servant at sbcglobal.net
Sun Dec 9 04:54:45 UTC 2007

Chris wrote:
> On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 22:38:34 -0600
> Willis <gods-servant at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> I installed esword4ubuntu_1.7 so many times and so many different
>> ways that I give up.  When I check the directory 
>> /usr/apps/local/esword4ubuntu from either login, root or user, I see 
>> exactly the same thing.  And on checking the Launch command on both 
>> logins is /usr/apps/local/esword4ubuntu/runesword and yet it runs
>> from the root and nothing at all happens from the user directroy.
>> Remember, I've installed from both director root and user with the
>> exact same result.
>> Is there a permission I might need to change?
> Pardon my ignorance, but why not use Synaptec and install gnomesword?
> Sounds like you are building/installing from a source tarball?
Sorry, I missed it the first time but not really, it's a deb file.  And 
it works perfectly from the root login.

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