Question about quick access to mnt devices

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Sat Dec 8 07:48:32 UTC 2007

On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 15:21:40 +0800
gup502 <gup502 at> wrote:

> I have created a nfs client to access a directory on a server.  I have
> modified ftabs so that it is mounted each time when I turn on the
> machine.
> A question is whether I can create an icon or shortcut on Desktop so
> that I would not need to drill down to /mnt/ each time?

Sure. Say you have a mount point


* In GNOME, right-click the desktop and choose from the menu "Create

* Select "File" as the Type

* Enter "/mnt/remote-machine" as your location

* Add a comment if desired, and a name for the shortcut

Now when you click the icon, you will see what is at that mount point in
Nautilus, assuming that it is in fact mounted. 

I imagine something very similar would work in KDE too, but I don't
currently have it installed, so I can't check.


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