how do you build a custom install cd with elilo

Jason Joines joines at
Fri Dec 7 19:01:08 UTC 2007

     I'm trying to get Linux, preferably Ubuntu, installed on some intel
apple xserve machines.  Kernel 2.6.24-rc4 just gained efi boot support
for x86_64 machines and the latest beta of eLilo has x86_64 boot
support.  This kind of seems like a chicken and egg question to me as
the kernel docs for the x86_64 efi patches (Documentation/x86_64/) say
to create a fat partition on disk and copy the new kernel there.
However, I can't boot anything to get to the disk to create the fat
partition unless I have the new kernel and an efi capable boot loader.
So, I think what I need to do is:

1. create a version of the Ubuntu boot CD that uses eLilo instead of
syslinux and kernel 2.6.24-rc4
2. boot and install Ubuntu
3. copy the 2.6.24-rc4 kernel from the cd to the Ubuntu install
4. chroot to Ubuntu install, install eLilo and configure to use the
proper kernel

     Any tips for getting started on number 1?  I'm planning to start 

Jason Joines

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