Gutsy speed

Loïc Martin loic.martin3 at
Fri Dec 7 16:42:42 UTC 2007

Derek Broughton a écrit :
> Seriously, you can't just assume that if something doesn't work for you it's
> a serious flaw in Ubuntu and someone had damn well better fix it right
> away.  If it got into the final release of the product, it's almost
> certainly not a _common_ error, and if you have a problem, you need to
> provide the developers with a _detailed_ explanation of exactly what
> happens, and what you've tried to get around it.

Working with Ubuntu development cycle since 2005 has taught me a quite 
different story. Just recently, the whole usb_suspend fiasco in Feisty 
was a well known bug, affecting a hudge number of users, a regression 
too, well documented and with an easy fix (don't ship in the disro a 
code that the kernel developers consider experimental, especially when 
they tell you what it's gonna break), just to experiment with a possible 
slightly longer laptop battery life.

Similar bugs ship with each release, that's only the most recent, and 
one where you can easily see the problems (Gutsy went back to a sane 
default, but Feisty users where told for 6 month it was impossible to 
change the decision).

At least, regressions that are the result of a deliberate effort should 
be documented in the release notes ("We have decided to break your 
hardware in this release, here is the explanation").

I know it possibly doesn't have much to do with my suspend/hibernate 
regression, it's just to explain why I sometimes consider not bothering 
developers with peculiar hw issues, when I'd rather they spend the same 
time solving problems that are well documented, have an easy fix and 
affect a large number of users.

> That said, there are iirc three different ways to handle hibernate/suspend,
> so if you can't make it work as-is, look into uswsusp and suspend2.

The system already breaks enough stuff with each release - since I want 
to keep helping with reporting bugs / documenting solutions, I prefer to 
keep defaults the most I can, even if that means biting it hard 
sometimes. That way I'm sure bugs I encounters appears on other default 
installs too, and not because of a specific configuration.

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