Gutsy speed

Derek Broughton news at
Fri Dec 7 14:27:16 UTC 2007

andy baxter wrote:

> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> andy baxter wrote:
>>>> FYI, people are working on making the linux boot process faster - I
>>>> think one of the projects is called initng(?) The idea is rather than
>>>> starting the processes and services in series at the moment, to have an
>>>> init system that knows which services depend on others so that they can
>>>> be started partially in parallel. This would make booting much faster,
>>>> but hasn't been brought into ubuntu yet.

> Ok, sorry - I didn't know that ubuntu had anything like that yet. (I'm
> running feisty by the way, not gutsy).

I believe we've been using upstart since edgy, though maybe I was an early
adopter.  I'm sure it's in Feisty.  It has the ability to make everything
start based on dependencies (so, for instance, your apache server can start
as soon as the network and backend database are up), but I'm not sure how
much of that is fully functional yet.  If you look at the scripts
in /etc/init.d/ you'll see they now have a bunch of upstart metadata:

$ head /etc/init.d/hal
#! /bin/sh
# Provides:          hal
# Required-Start:    $local_fs dbus
# Required-Stop:     $local_fs dbus
# Should-Start:      $syslog acpid
# Should-Stop:       $syslog acpid
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      S 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Hardware abstraction layer

Which, I think, says hal can't start unless the local filesystem and dbus
are started (and must stop if either of them stop).  I'm not sure what
the "Should"s are for.  Of course, the "Default-" settings are for sysvinit

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