modem and network manager

Tom Bamford tom at
Fri Dec 7 14:36:49 UTC 2007

Rakotomandimby Mihamina wrote:
> Hi,
> I got a GPRS modem on USB port.
> I set it up correctly so that I just connect with "pon orange", after 
> loading the "cdc-acm" module.
> I can systematically load the cdc-acm module at boot time.
> But now, I would ask for some tips on how to use the Gnome Network 
> Manager in order to connect through it instead of using command line 
> such as "sudo pon orange".
> My /etc/ppp/peers/orange and /etc/chatscripts/orange files are just OK.
> The way to use it with the Network  Manager is all the missing.
> Any help?
> Thank you
I don't think NetworkManager has support for dialup devices. I've got my 
GPRS modem and mobile phone to dial successfully with gnome-ppp and kppp 
if you want a graphical interface.


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