Give grandma the right reasons to use Ubuntu

M. Fioretti mfioretti at
Fri Dec 7 09:18:53 UTC 2007

On Fri, December 7, 2007 7:35 am, Rakotomandimby Mihamina wrote:
> M. Fioretti wrote:
>> First of all, I would recommend to not install (ie force on them) any
>> Gnu/Linux distro if those people are already comfortable with
>> Windows.
> I would agree with you but:
> So, people will never know the existence of free software if you dont
> push them a bit, just a bit.

I am not saying that we must not push people a bit, all the contrary.

I am saying that we MUST push them, now more than ever, but that it
is simply useless and counterproductive to "push" today's non
programmers with the attitude and slogans of the FSF. See "The seven
things we're tired of hearing from SW hackers" or "A Free Software
for the rest of us" in the Opinions section of

Also, I repeat what I wrote in the original message:

When it comes to goals, never mind converting grandma to Ubuntu or any
other Gnu/Linux distro: today it is much, much more important for the
Free Software cause, if you do all you can to make her write to her
representatives at any level to demand the adoption of OpenDocument
in Public Administration. Today, that is the one single move that
will make more good to FOSS than increasing tenfold the number of
Gnu/Linux home (or business) users.

As for HOW to do it, see the slogan in my signature: this is the
approach I recommend, and I wrote the book just to give FOSS advocates
a tool to do things this way. It is absolutely useless and
counterproductive to explain how beautiful it is to have the freedom
to create, share and improve source code to people who simply do
NOT give a damn about programming.

Marco Fioretti
Your own civil rights and the quality of your life heavily depend on
how software is used *around* you:

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