Randy Forston rforston at
Thu Dec 6 20:57:30 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-12-06 at 12:40 +0000, norman wrote:
> I have bought a gadget which fixes to an IDE hdd and is supposed to
> convert it into a Sata hdd. My intention is to put the drive, with
> Windows XP installed on it, into my Ubuntu box thereby getting a dual
> boot system. Has anyone any experience of the use of such a converter,
> please?
> Norman

I'm currently using one made by AMS.
It supports SATA Generation 1 transfer rate of 1.5 Gb/s.
It works just fine.

The only caveat is the IDE drive must be an Ultra ATA 133.
It's not my boot drive, but I don't expect you'd have a problems using
it as one.


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