How to show the Debian menu in the Applications menu...???

Scott Sweeny ssweeny at
Thu Dec 6 14:26:50 UTC 2007

On Dec 6, 2007 8:37 AM, Larry Shields <larry at> wrote:
> *I had asked this question once before, using Ubuntu 7.4, but now with
> 7.10,  I can not remember how it was done...
> Once the Debian menu appears in the Applications area, under Debian it
> will show much more app's than with out it, including HamRadio installed
> apps...
> Can someone point me to how I may add the Debian menu to the
> Applications menu...???
> Thanks for any help anyone can offer...

Right-click on the Applications menu, and click on "Edit Menus".  That
will open the GNOME menu editor.  Check the box next to the Debian
menu and you should be all set.


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