How to show the Debian menu in the Applications menu...???

James Takac p3nndrag0n at
Thu Dec 6 14:05:25 UTC 2007

On Thursday 06 December 2007 23:37:41 Larry Shields wrote:
> *I had asked this question once before, using Ubuntu 7.4, but now with
> 7.10,  I can not remember how it was done...
> Once the Debian menu appears in the Applications area, under Debian it
> will show much more app's than with out it, including HamRadio installed
> apps...
> Can someone point me to how I may add the Debian menu to the
> Applications menu...???
> Thanks for any help anyone can offer...
> Larry
> *
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Hi Larry

go to google and type "how to install anything in ubuntu" without the quotes. 
do a quick search on any of the pages that come up matching for "debian menu" 
and you'll find it


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