Firefox not Updating

Arnold Pietersen arnold.pietersen at
Wed Dec 5 12:23:35 UTC 2007

Bas Roufs wrote:
> Hello
>> Ubuntu indicated that there were software updates of which Firefox was 
>> one for version  I have Firefox  I downloaded the 
>> updates and was requested to restart Firefox.  However, I still have 
>> version
> Go to START--SYSTEM- update/ package manager. (In Kubuntu the update and 
> package manager has the name 'Adept'. In Gnome, I don't know.)
> However it may be, after giving in your password and opening the update/ 
> package manager, you will see a list of all the software available in 
> the repository. Moreover, you will see what has been installed on your 
> computer and what not. Look for 'Firefox', and right-click on it one 
> time. Than choose the option 'details'. Than you will see which version 
> REALLY is running on your PC right now. Nasty detail: sometimes, the 
> help programme of 'Firefox', 'Thunderbird' or any other piece of 
> software indicates an earlier version than the one you are actually 
> running! Via the update manager, you can see which version you are 
> running really!
> Respectfully Yours,
> Bas.

I went to Synaptic Package Manager and the installed version is

So I guess I am running the updated version, but Help indicating a 
previous version.

Thanks for your help.



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