Pointer Scheme

Willis gods-servant at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 5 07:01:36 UTC 2007

Avi Schwartz wrote:
> Willis wrote:
>> Caleb Marcus wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2007-12-03 at 19:11 -0600, Willis wrote:
>>>> For Gutsy, is there an alternative to the standard pointer theme?  And 
>>>> if so and it is not accessible by one of the graphical down loaders, how 
>>>> to install it, please.
>>> You can get them at http://gnome-look.org (look under X11 mouse 
>>> pointers.) You put them in your ~/.icons directory, which you can get 
>>> to by opening your home folder and going to View>Show Hidden Files. 
>>> Then, you'll be able to see and select them in System>Preferences>Mouse 
>> I have the x11 mouse pointers installed through Adept Manager and they 
>> actually do not appear at that location but they appear at 
>> System>Preferences>Cursor Selection but I am totally unable to change to 
>> any of them there.  I tried Dbl Clkng, Select and click Install Theme 
>> and select and click To Theme Folder, all to no avail.  I have even 
>> tried rebooting after doing those steps with no results.  I v.7.04 it 
>> worked perfectly.
> For me it was a two step process. This is how it worked for me:
> 1. I used System>Preference>Cursor Selection" to install the theme.
> 2. Then I went to System>Preference>Appearance and selected the newly 
> installed theme.
> Avi
This does require extra files or applications.
1. First we have to install gcursor application on Ubuntu. Open the 
terminal and write:

sudo aptitude install gcursor

2. Go to Gnome-look.org 
and pick the cursor(s) you want.
3. Go to *System* tab ---> *Preferences* ---> *Cursor Selection*.
4. Push the *Install Theme* button, browse and select the cursor. No 
need to unpack the cursor files. Gcursor will do that for you.
5. Now pick the cursor you want in the Xcursor menu and press the 
*Close* button. The new cursor will first appear when you log in next time.

*NOTE:*/ If the cursor you have selected in gcursor don't appear in the 
menu then press the *Go To Theme Folder* button, click the folder named 
after the cursor. There should be a new folder with the name of you 
cursor in there. Right click it and choose *cut*. Press the *Up* button 
in your file browser and *Paste* the file here. That should do the trick./

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