2 hard disks

Michael.Coll-Barth at VerizonWireless.com Michael.Coll-Barth at VerizonWireless.com
Tue Dec 4 14:50:00 UTC 2007


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Felix Miata
> Mandriva 2008 release notes don't omit the issue


Many thanks.  This is the first time I have installed Linux, of any
flavor, where the machine had such a drive.  It is tough being a newbie
and a non-newbie at the same time.  If that makes any sense!  :)  

Next on the agenda is figuring out how to back and restore grub.  Then I
can take the plunge with resizing the partitions.  I found out that you
can use the Ubuntu Live CD to boot the system and run the partitioner.
I do not yet know well that will actually work.


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