Question about Wireless (again)

Anthony Papillion papillion at
Tue Dec 4 10:55:03 UTC 2007

Hello Everyone,

I really hate to bug the list with this again but the solution I used
last time for this problem didn't work this time and I've been
Googleing for over 3 hours and can't find an answer. I do hope someone
look past my newbiness and take time to help me out.

I have an Acer Aspire 5100 notebook and I had Ubuntu 7.10 working
absolutely fine on it earlier tonight. A friend of mine thought it
would be funny to reinstall Windows on the system so he backed up my
files and when I got home I had a shiny new XP system waiting on me.
Of course, I immediately pulled out my CD and reinstalled Ubuntu. Now,
the wireless won't work.

Last time, all I had to do as type 'iwconfig' to find my wireless card
was configured as ath0 (it is again now). Then I simply typed 'sudo
ifconfig ath0' to bring the interface up and connect to my wireless
network. My network has no protection as I want to run an open AP for

Tonight, the laptop simply would not connect to the router. Other PC's
were connected so I know the router is accepting connections. I am
using the 192.168.1.X addressing scheme but for some reason this
laptop is being assigned a public address and different subnet mask
than the rest of my network. When I manually configured the interface
using 'sudo ifconfig ath0 netmask up' it
looked like the if came up but there was no entry in my routers dhcp
clients table and I still didn't have internet access.

I am sitting her absolutely pulling my hair out. I KNOW there is
something simple I'm missing. Can anyone lend me a hand to figure out


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