Pointer Scheme

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Tue Dec 4 06:45:52 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-12-04 at 00:38 -0600, Willis wrote:
> Well the directory reads /home/[usr name]/.icons and it still does not 
> function. 

Ok, so at least it was established that the culprit was not a wrong
directory name. That's progress :)

>  Honest, I'm regretting that I typed the wrong syntax but 
> noone seems to be able to see that I'm new and the directory is correct 
> and I have a problem and it is not the syntax.

There's nothing to regret. You just need to have a little patience,
problem solving via mailing lists is not that easy, for neither side.

It is just best practice to be precise, and if someone mentions a wrong
directory name it is a good idea to point it out and make sure that this
was not already the cause of the issue. No need to be offended.


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