Fonts here do not look really well

Robert Spanjaard spamtrap at
Mon Dec 3 20:04:22 UTC 2007

On Mon, 03 Dec 2007 09:41:16 -0800, jerry wrote:

>>>> Thanks, Jerry. My flat screen is a 17 inches one, and I have added the
>>>> following line to  ~/.config/xfce4/Xft.xrdb:
>>>> Xft.dpi: 96
>>>> However,
>>>> # xdpyinfo | grep resolution
>>>>   resolution:    90x96 dots per inch
>>>> #
>>>> Apparently, Xubuntu is not considering the line added to Xft.xrdb. Any ideas?
>>> Sorry have never used xfce nor edited Xft.xrdb.
>>> Have you read the mannpage for xrdb?
>> Yes, Jerry, but no progress.
>> Paul
> My CRT measures 16in on the diagonal. When I run;
> xdpyinfo | grep resolution
> resolution:    102x108 dots per inch
> I setup my monitor during install with the xorg X11 configuration. To 
> reconfigure I use "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86"
> I have no idea how dpi fits in to the configuration of a monitor.

That's quite easy. My monitor measures 17.05x10.67" (20" widescreen),
and has 1680x1050 pixels.

1680 / 17.05 = 98.53 DPI
1050 / 10.67 = 98.41 DPI

:~$ xdpyinfo | grep resolution
  resolution:    99x98 dots per inch

To let X (and GNOME) know about the resolution, I added a line to
the Monitor section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf, which gives information about
the displaysize in mm:

        DisplaySize     433 271

Regards, Robert                            

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