Installing Apache2, PHP, MySql as one single .deb file or 3 .deb files ?

Derek Broughton news at
Mon Dec 3 16:09:42 UTC 2007

Isuru Samaraweera wrote:

> On Mon, 2007-12-03 at 06:35 -0800, Don Don wrote:
>> This is just for apache2 alone, the same process applies to the other
>> remaining two packages.  So am looking to see if I can just download a
>> single .deb file for example apache2 and this single file will have
>> all the necessary libraries for apache to install.  The sam applies to
>> mysql and php.  There's so much headache finding all the dependent
>> libraries that apache will need and then the other problem of the
>> installation order.
>> Is this possible ?

Not as far as I know.


# sudo apt-get --print-uris install apache2 php5 mysql-server-5.0

I'm not sure if this will actually list all your dependencies, but I think
it's your best bet.

> try following lines on the command prompt.You don't need to install
> dependent files separately
> apt-get install php5
> apt-get install mysql-server-5.0
> apt-get install apache2

Sure you do, if you don't have an Internet connection. 

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