Current Ubuntu version of R is old

Felipe Figueiredo philsf79 at
Mon Dec 3 14:54:15 UTC 2007

Em Sunday 02 December 2007 13:02:31 Derek Broughton escreveu:
> Paul Smith wrote:
> > 
> > Thanks again, Derek. Meanwhile, I filed this bug, asking for an update:
> > 
> >
> You won't get one for gutsy, so your bug will probably be rejected or
> ignored (there are no version upgrades by Ubuntu to software in the stable
> versions - so unless someone like you packages 2.6.1 for gutsy-backports,
> it isn't going to happen).  2.6.1 is already in Hardy, so you can try
> installing that - with the same warnings I gave about trying debian
> packages.  I'd temporarily change all references from "gutsy" in
> my /etc/apt/sources.list to "hardy", "sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude
> install r-base" (and anything else you need), and if it tries to bring in
> anything non-r-related abort the download.  Then don't forget to change
> back to the gutsy version of sources.list and rerun "sudo aptitude update". 
> In another month or two, I would be willing to try "hardy", but I really
> doubt it's safe to upgrade yet.

This is where prevu comes in: you can backport the package if it's available 
in the next release, compile it and generate a locally compiled package. 

Paul, install it and take a look in its docs in /usr/share/doc/prevu to get 

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