Installing Apache2, PHP, MySql as one single .deb file or 3 .deb files ?

Don Don progwihz at
Mon Dec 3 14:35:09 UTC 2007

  Hi All,  I am trying to install the above 3 softwares on a linux machine without connection to the itnernet on a fiesty unbuntu machine. (The PC must not be connected to the internet or a network so installation must be through other means).
  The problem am having is finding all the required libraries, sub-libraries etc for each of those packages, e.g. to install apache using the .deb install files will require several dependency libraries with each of those sub-libraries also have netsted sub libraries, so there is a problem of finding all required libraries, even after getting all these libaries there is the problem of which to install first and trying to install a library will ask for a previous library to be installed first.
  This is just for apache2 alone, the same process applies to the other remaining two packages.  So am looking to see if I can just download a single .deb file for example apache2 and this single file will have all the necessary libraries for apache to install.  The sam applies to mysql and php.  There's so much headache finding all the dependent libraries that apache will need and then the other problem of the installation order.
  Is this possible ?
  many thanks

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