howto mount a second cdrom (Bruce Marshall)

Tim M southern.tim at
Mon Dec 3 13:02:00 UTC 2007

On 12/2/07, Doug Schrock <dschrock at> wrote:
> > > On Sunday 02 December 2007, Tim M wrote:> > I am embarrassed to say that
> I cannot figure out how to mount and use> > the second cdrom (actually a
> dvdrom) I have installed in my small test> > server. I have read a articles
> on the subject but they never seemed to> > address the problem I am having.
> The new drive shows up in the BIOS> > but I am not sure how to find it using
> command lines. I even installed> > a lightweight windows manager iceWM in
> hopes that some visual clues> > might help me . . . Anyway, what are the
> commands I need to run to> > find the dvdrom and mount it?> >> > Thanks in
> advance, Tim> > Do the following to find out the names of your two devices:>
> > ls -la /dev/cd*> > ls -la /dev/dvd*> > I think that will give you the clue
> >
> Tim,
> I have the same problem, except with 2 nearly identical cdrws (TDK 52x and a
> TDK 48x drive)
> When I tried the above, a get "no such file ordirectory".  I have edited my
> etc/fstab file to show hdc cdrom0 and hdd to be cdrom1.
> Both show up as working in the System Bios.
> I originally installed the feisty i386 lamp server edition, but then
> installed the gnome destktop.  The second cdrw worked briefly.
> Any help would be grealy appreciated.
> Doug


I would love to be able to help you but I am not very good with
command lines which is one of the reasons I installed the server. I
think if you go back and follow the commands listed in the second post
on this thread you should be able to find the cdrom. Then you can edit
/etc/fstab as shown in the third and forth post. Be sure to change the
name of your device to whatever the first command shows. In my case it
was /dev/hdd and after making the change to fstab remember to remount.


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