Upgrade Open Office to 2.3?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 09:25:44 UTC 2007

On 02/12/2007, Scott (angrykeyboarder) <geekboy at angrykeyboarder.com> wrote:
> Dotan Cohen spake thusly:
> > Now that I have installed 2.3 from the OOo website as suggested, how
> > can I integrate it into KDE? I have installed the
> > openoffice.org-kde-integration_2.3.0-5_i386.deb that came in the OOo
> > tarball, but it did not replace the GTK file dialogs.
> >
> > Note that Gutsy does _not_ support my hardware, so upgrading to Gutsy
> > is out of the question.
> Gusty's requirements went up from Feisty?


Suspend to RAM with fglrx
    *      Attempting to suspend to RAM using the proprietary fglrx
ATI video driver from the restricted component will hard-lock the
system due to changes in the kernel's memory allocator (which will be
the default in Linux 2.6.23) that have not been followed by ATI in a
timely fashion; this is the vendor's responsibility and is beyond our
control due to the proprietary nature of the driver. Workarounds
include using Ubuntu 7.04, avoiding suspending to RAM, or using the
free ATI driver. Bug #121653

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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