can not add work areas

Alex Janssen alex at
Mon Dec 3 04:46:27 UTC 2007

Cesar Augusto Suarez said the following on 12/02/2007 08:50 PM:
> Hi.
> Im keep trying with my recent installed Gutsy, i loved
> it.
> however, i  have a bug.
> i have 2 workareas, when i add  more, it doesnt
> appears, so i can only have 2 workareas.
> however, if i go to CompizConfig settings manager,
> nothing happens, i mean the launcher is not working
> any more
>       Comparte video en la ventana de tus mensajes (y también tus fotos de Flickr). Usa el nuevo Yahoo! Messenger versión Beta.
If you're running Gnome, you should be able to right-click the Workspace 
Switcher in the lower right on the bottom panel and select Preferences.  
At least, I can.  Then you can increase or decrease the number of 
workspaces in the Preferences Dialog.  Let us know if you can or cannot 
do that.


 Ambition is the last refuge of the failure. (21)

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