howto mount a second cdrom

Chris racerx at
Sun Dec 2 17:31:13 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2 Dec 2007 11:08:37 -0600
"Tim M" <southern.tim at> wrote:

> I am embarrassed to say that I cannot figure out how to mount and use
> the second cdrom (actually a dvdrom) I have installed in my small test
> server. I have read a articles on the subject but they never seemed to
> address the problem I am having. The new drive shows up in the BIOS
> but I am not sure how to find it using command lines. I even installed
> a lightweight windows manager iceWM in hopes that some visual clues
> might help me . . . Anyway, what are the commands I need to run to
> find the dvdrom and mount it?
> Thanks in advance, Tim

Something like this:

/dev/scd1       /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0       0

It always helps to man mount and have a peek at /etc/fstab for examples.
And to find out the actual drive, dmseg | more helps too.

Best regards,

You are always busy.

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