
Wulfy wulfmann at
Sat Dec 1 16:40:28 UTC 2007

Willis wrote:
> If I knew what to do with the tar ball I positive I would have noticed 
> but since the point of the exercise is to learn to be of help to folks 
> that have computers and do not have internet connections it really 
> doesn't matter.  I'm the tech advisor for my church family and I am 
> going to stear them away from Windows, in favor of Ubuntu and thus far 
> I'm getting very little help from the forums and the mail list.  All I 
> wish to do is to be able to download a program and allow the less 
> privileged to use it, just like I have enabled people with Windows units 
> and no phone line.  Out here in east Texas we really do have folks like 
> that.
There is an alternative to installing by tar balls...

Simpler way:

More complex way:

This works for installing new packages, though not (in this form) for 
updating existing programs.  Perhaps someone else can find something 
about updating...

I hope this helps...  :@)



Wulf Credo:
Respect the elders. Teach the young. Co-operate with the pack.
Play when you can. Hunt when you must. Rest in between.
Share your affections. Voice your opinion. Leave your Mark.

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