2 hard disks
glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sat Dec 1 00:40:12 UTC 2007
On 11/30/2007 12:45 AM, norman wrote:
>> Norman, one other thing to check if your windows drive doesn't boot from
>> the grub menu: for some drives I've noticed that the boot flag gets
>> turned off for some reason. So, use gparted to check to make sure the
>> boot flag is turned on for that windows drive. Drove me nuts last
>> weekend when I couldn't get a windows drive to boot - I finally checked
>> the boot flag in gparted, noticed it was turned off, reset it, and it
>> popped right in.
> That sounds a good idea. However, please realise that you are dealing
> with a rather elderly gent with very little idea or knowledge of Linux.
> Please, how do I carry out the check you mentioned and, the correction,
> if needed?
> Norman
Norman, before we get to that part (it is 'sudo install gparted' from a
terminal window BTW, then System|Administration|Partition Editor), have
you tried the steps that I've already suggested? If so what results did
you get? Please don't do anything with gparted until you let us know
what you've done so far.
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