Postfix, Mutt And No Root Mail?

Brian Fahrlander brian at
Thu Aug 30 22:41:47 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

>>     As root (go through the sudo -i process) create
>> a file called
>> /root/.forward containing the address to which you
>> want root's mail sent.
> Ok, thanks for the reply but don't understand above.
> I could do: sudo -i process(literal) and enter a name
> "/root/.forward" and hit enter; is that right? Then
> how do I enter the address to send root mail to?
> username at what,where? Ubuntu is the machine name. Is
> that what goes afer the "@"?  Sorry to be so dumb but
> never used the process command before.

    As root, do:  echo "myname at" > $HOME/.forward

>>     And/or...
>>     Edit /etc/aliases to add:  root:  
>> myname at
> I have in /etc/aliases "root: <username>" but no email
> address. I know myname is bound to be my username
> because that's who root mail goes to.  What about
> ""? Is that to be literal or just what?

   Yep, it's a two-part thing, in /etc/aliases. The first part is the
user to whom the mail is addressed,(with a colon) and the email address
seperated by spaces/tabs/etc.

> I did say I know very little about linux internal mail
> protocol and have always just answered to "install" or
> "-reconfigure" questions in the past and it just
> worked for root mail.  The questions asked in Feisty
> are somewhat different now? Some clarification is
> welcomed.

    Yeah this should do it. If not, I'm still here.

- --
 Brian Fahrländer                 Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
 Evansville, IN                    
 ICQ: 5119262                         AOL/Yahoo/GoogleTalk: WheelDweller
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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