Ipod in Linux

Florin Andrei florin at andrei.myip.org
Wed Aug 29 16:17:50 UTC 2007

Vitaly Babiy wrote:
> Hey guys what is the best to for using you IPOD with Linux? I know i can
> use amarok but i also would like to know if there any other good tools.

Haven't tryied my iPod with Ubuntu yet (*) but on Fedora I used to sync 
the iPod with Banshee with pretty good results. It's an application that 
looks modern and has numerous features.


Pretty soon I'll need to hook up the iPod to the Ubuntu box and figure 
out what's changed after the distro migration. I know Banshee is 
available for Feisty (in the Universe repo), I just ssh'ed to my home PC 
and did an apt-get install. I'll try it when I go home.

(*) - I've a SanDisk Sansa c250, smaller, cheaper, and with more 
features than the iPod (radio, microphone, and can record to Flash from 
both), and Linux sees it as just a simple Flash drive, so the iPod sort 
of fell into disgrace

Florin Andrei


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