Feisty How to see which pkgs added since initial install?

Larry Alkoff labradley at mindspring.com
Sat Aug 25 21:17:39 UTC 2007

Michael R. Head wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-08-25 at 08:10 -0500, Larry Alkoff wrote:
>> Thanks Tim.  You have given me a good start.
>> I experimented with your script line.
>> Since all the pkgs on the install cd are dated the same, the next thing 
>> would be to eliminate all entries in dpkg.log* with the installation date.
>> I also wouldn't mind eliminating all pkg names starting with 'lib' since 
>> I'm mostly interested in which packages have been installed post-install.
> Don't forget that some packages that were installed by the OS installer
> are going to be updated with security updates. You may not want to
> include those.
> What you might actually want is to query all the packages that are
> installed but not in the dependency closure set of {ubuntu-desktop,
> ubuntu-standard, ubuntu-minimal}. This might take a few line program,
> but I don't think it would be too tricky.

Michael, this is what I have so far.

It weeds out files dated from the install cd and lib files
but does not week out files from updates of standard Ubuntu files.

I guess that's what you meant by 'not in the dependency closure set'
but I don't really see how to deal with those - yet.
Can you give me a hint on how to proceed with that?

Note: $DDATE for Feisty is generated from the first dpkg.log line which 
is:  2007-04-17 05:19:09 install base-files <none> 4ubuntu2

sort /var/log/dpkg.log* | grep 'status installed' | sed 
'-e/'"$DDATE"'/d' '-e/ lib/d'

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX
Using Thunderbird on Linux

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