firefox add-ons do not install

Lorin Pino lbpino at
Wed Aug 22 00:07:47 UTC 2007

Alain Muls wrote:
> Hello,
> Since I updated to Firefox (latest version for Feisty fawn), I 
> can no longer activate add-ons in Firefox. I can install them, Firefox 
> tells me to restart but the add-on just says that it will be installed 
> when Firefox is restarted.
> Any ideas??
> Tx/Alain
I don't know how the update does things since I have always done a clean 
install.  But, when you updated, do you still have the old add-ons in 
/home/"username"/.mozilla/firefox/?  There will be another tier to the 
tree under firefox with a string of letters and numbers ending in 
".default".  If your old add-ons are in still in there, but not 
compatible with the new version of firefox, maybe that is the problem?  
If so, you could delete them and see if it helps.

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