Screen Resolution

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Tue Aug 21 15:21:26 UTC 2007

Don Henson wrote:
> During installation, I was asked to select the maximum resolution that
> X-server would be expected to handle, or words to that effect. I entered
> a high resolution of 1280x1024, one that my display can handle and
> higher than 1024x768. However, my display resolution remains at
> 1024x768. I've checked /etc/X11/xorg.conf and all of my display
> subsections include 1280x1024 but that value does not appear in the list
> presented by the gui 'Screen Resolution'. 1024x768 is usable but I
> prefer the higher resolution. Any suggestions appreciated.
> Don Henson
Hi Don,

if 1280x1024 is in your xorg.conf AND if it works, then you should be
able to get 1280x1024 out of a running x-session by pressing
CTRL+ALT_and_"+" or CTRL+ALT_and_"-" respectively. This should cycle
through all of your validly defined resolutions. IF then, you will find
1280x1024 to be ok, simply reverse the order of resolutions in your
xorg.conf. 1280x1024 should be at the beginning of each resolution line.


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